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: Ethnobotany Research and Applications
: 1547-3465
: xxxx-xxxx
: 1.0751   
: Science (General)
Description Ethnobotany Research and Applications is an electronic, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal devoted to the rapid dissemination of current research. Manuscript submission, peer review, and publication are all handled on the Internet. The journal seeks manuscripts that are novel, integrative and written in ways that are accessible to a wide audience. This includes an array of disciplines (biological and social sciences) concerned particularly with theoretical questions that lead to practical applications. Articles can also be based on the perspectives of cultural practitioners, poets and others with insights into plants, people and applied research. Photo essays, methodology reviewseducation studies and theoretical discussions are also published. The journal publishes original research that is described in indigenous languages. We also encourage papers that make use of the unique opportunities of an E-journal: color illustrations, animated model output, down-loadable models and data sets. As a general rule "review articles" will not be considered, but only documents with new information and/or analysis.
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Publish By  Botanical Research Institute of Texas